The effects of Ins2(Akita) diabetes and chronic angiotensin II infusion on
cystometric properties in mice.
Authors Dolber PC, Jin H, Nassar R, Coffman TM, Gurley SB, Fraser MO
Submitted By Paul Dolber on 8/5/2014
Status Published
Journal Neurourology and urodynamics
Year 2013
Date Published 10/28/2013
Volume : Pages Not Specified : Not Specified
PubMed Reference 25048174
Abstract Diabetes is associated with both dysfunction of the lower urinary tract (LUT)
and overactivity of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Although it is well
known that the RAS affects normal LUT function, very little is known about RAS
effects on the diabetic LUT. Accordingly, we investigated the effects of chronic
angiotensin II (AngII) treatment on the LUT in a model of type 1 diabetes.

Investigators with authorship
Thomas CoffmanDuke University Medical Center
Paul DolberInstitute for Medical Research, Inc.
Matthew FraserDuke University Medical Center
