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Preclinical Testing Program
The goal of the NIDDK-sponsored Diabetic Complications Consortium (DiaComp) is to provide an environment that will foster communication and collaboration between investigator communities involved in complications research.
Toward this goal, the DiaComp will:
sponsor annual meetings in complications-relevant scientific areas;
solicit and fund pilot projects in high impact areas of complications research;
support a website to serve the diabetic complications community.
DiaComp Preclinical Testing Program
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: T1D-RAID and NIH-RAID are cooperative programs designed to facilitate translation to the clinic of novel, scientifically meritorious therapeutic interventions. However, in some cases, additional preclinical testing is needed to validate potential therapies under disease-specific conditions and in multiple animal models before new therapeutics can progress along the drug development pipeline.
In recognition of the compelling need to develop new therapeutics for several diabetic complications, the DiaComp has established a Preclinical Testing Program (DiaComp-PTP). The DiaComp-PTP will provide investigators with access to pilot funds to pursue additional preclinical studies of promising new therapeutics. The T1D-RAID and DiaComp-PTP are programs intended to remove the most common barriers to progress in identification and development of new therapies for complications of Type 1 Diabetes. The common goal of these programs is to support the preclinical work necessary to obtain "proof of principle" establishing that a new molecule or novel approach will be a viable candidate for expanded clinical evaluation.
The DiaComp is currently soliciting P&F proposals from investigators with promising new therapeutics for diabetic complications, to support expanded preclinical efficacy studies.
Application and Eligibility
Progress Report
Contact Information
Previously Awarded Preclinical Testing Funding Program Applications
Applications for the Preclinical Testing Funding Program are currently not being accepted.
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Budget requests should be commensurate with project needs over a one year project period. Average DiaComp–PTP awards range between $50,000-$60,000 Total Costs for one year.
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Each submitted proposal will be assigned to three reviewers who are either members of the DiaComp External Evaluation Committee or external scientists with expertise in the area of a proposal. Reviewers may be at an institution affiliated with the DiaComp, but should not serve as a member of the DiaComp steering committee (please see
). Scientists from institutions submitting a proposal are in conflict and excluded from review. Final funding decisions will be made by the NIH.
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There is no formal deadline associated with Preclinical applications, but applications will be reviewed quarterly (
March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1
) and so should be submitted accordingly.
The brief application should be on the
PHS 398 form
, and must be composed of a research plan that includes the following sections: A. Abstract and Specific Aims, B. Background and Significance, C. Preliminary Studies, D. Research Design and Methods, E. Explicit description of the collaboration and contributions of the collaborating investigators. In the case of Pilot and Feasibility projects, this section should include a brief description of how the test will be made available to DiaComp users, F. Signed letters from any collaborating principal investigators that have not signed the application face page. G. Literature Cited. H. Detailed Budget. I. Vertebrate Animals (Sections A->E are limited to 5 pages). Applications should be signed by at least one principal investigator and an official representing the submitting institution.
NOTE: Applicants should submit one (1) paper copy to the DiaComp CBU at the address
listed below
, plus submit an electronic version of the application via the DiaComp website (PDF format only please).
Eligible Organizations:
Public or private institutions in the United States, such as universities, colleges, hospitals, and laboratories; units of state and local governments; eligible agencies of the Federal government; faith-based or community-based organizations; Indian/Native American Tribal Government (Federally Recognized); Indian/Native American Tribal Government (Other than Federally Recognized); and Indian/Native American Tribally Designated Organization.
Eligible Project Directors/Principal Investigators:
Individuals with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed research are invited to work with their institution to develop an application for support. Individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups as well as individuals with disabilities are always encouraged to apply for NIH support. Young investigators are encouraged to apply.
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A progress report is due two months following the completion of the 1 year funding period. If competitive renewal is sought, the application should be received for the review cycle prior to end of the projects current funding period. Application for competitive renewal is not in lieu of a year-end progress report. As part of the progress report, awarded applicants will be expected to deposit data, protocols and resources relevant to their proposal to the Diabetic Complications Consortium website.
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Richard McIndoe, Ph.D. (Coordinator)
Coordinating and Bioinformatics Unit
Augusta University
Center for Biotechnology and Genomic Medicine
1120 15th Street, CA4124
Augusta, GA 30912-4810
Phone: 706-721-3542
Fax: 706-721-3688
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Please acknowledge all posters, manuscripts or scientific materials that were generated in part or whole using funds from the Diabetic Complications Consortium(DiaComp) using the following text:
Financial support for this work provided by the NIDDK Diabetic Complications Consortium (RRID:SCR_001415,, grants DK076169 and DK115255
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