Sugar, sex, and TGF-ß in diabetic nephropathy.
Authors Diamond-Stanic MK, You YH, Sharma K
Submitted By Kumar Sharma on 10/31/2012
Status Published
Journal Seminars in nephrology
Year 2012
Date Published 5/1/2012
Volume : Pages 32 : 261 - 268
PubMed Reference 22835457
Abstract TGF-ß is well known to play a critical role in diabetic kidney disease, and
ongoing clinical studies are testing the potential therapeutic promise of
inhibiting TGF-ß production and action. An aspect of TGF-ß action that has not
received much attention is its potential role in explaining sex-related
proclivity for kidney disease. In this review, we discuss recent studies linking
TGF-ß signaling to sex-related effects in diabetic kidney disease and suggest
targets for future studies.

Investigators with authorship
Kumar SharmaUniversity of California San Diego
