Examining diabetic nephropathy through the lens of mouse genetics.
Authors Breyer MD, Tchekneva E, Qi Z, Takahashi T, Fogo AB, Harris RC
Submitted By Raymond Harris on 2/8/2009
Status Published
Journal Current diabetes reports
Year 2007
Date Published 12/1/2007
Volume : Pages 7(6) : 459 - 466
PubMed Reference 18255011
Abstract Although diabetic nephropathy occurs in only a minority of patients with
diabetes, it is the major cause of end-stage renal disease in the United States.
Hyperglycemia and hypertension are important factors predisposing patients to
diabetic nephropathy, but accumulating evidence points to critical genetic
factors predisposing only a subset of patients with diabetes to nephropathy. It
has been challenging to define the genes conferring risk for nephropathy in
human populations. Comparative genomics using the robust genetic reagents
available in laboratory mice should provide a complementary approach to defining
genes that may predispose to diabetic nephropathy in mice and humans. This
article reviews new studies to identify genetic risk factors for diabetic
nephropathy and the unique approaches that may be used to elucidate the genetic
pathogenesis of this disorder in mice.

Investigators with authorship
Matthew BreyerJohnson & Johnson
Raymond HarrisVanderbilt University
Takamune TakahashiVanderbilt University
