The kallikrein-kinin system in health and in diseases of the kidney
Authors Kakoki M, Smithies O
Submitted By Oliver Smithies on 2/10/2009
Status Published
Journal Kidney international
Year 2009
Date Published 5/1/2009
Volume : Pages Not Specified : Not Specified
PubMed Reference 19190676
Abstract Since kallikrein was discovered as a vasodilatory substance in human urine, the
kallikrein-kinin system (KKS) has been considered to play a physiological role
in controlling blood pressure. Gene targeting experiments in mice in which the
KKS has been inactivated to varying degrees have, however, questioned this role,
because basal blood pressures are not altered. Rather, these experiments have
shown that the KKS has a different and important role in preventing changes
associated with normal senescence in mice, and in reducing the nephropathy and
accelerated senescence-associated phenotypes induced in mice by diabetes. Other
experiments have shown that the KKS suppresses mitochondrial respiration, partly
by nitric oxide and prostaglandins, and that this suppression may be a key to
understanding how the KKS influences senescence-related diseases. Here we review
the logical progression and experimental data leading to these conclusions, and
discuss their relevance to human conditions.Kidney International advance online
publication, 4 February 2009; doi:10.1038/ki.2008.647.

Investigators with authorship
Oliver SmithiesUniversity of North Carolina
