Membrane traffic and muscle: lessons from human disease.
Authors Dowling JJ, Gibbs EM, Feldman EL
Submitted By Eva Feldman on 2/23/2009
Status Published
Journal Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Year 2008
Date Published 7/1/2008
Volume : Pages 9(7) : 1035 - 1043
PubMed Reference 18266915
Abstract Like all mammalian tissues, skeletal muscle is dependent on membrane traffic for
proper development and homeostasis. This fact is underscored by the observation
that several human diseases of the skeletal muscle are caused by mutations in
gene products of the membrane trafficking machinery. An examination of these
diseases and the proteins that underlie them is instructive both in terms of
determining disease pathogenesis and of understanding the normal aspects of
muscle biology regulated by membrane traffic. This review highlights our current
understanding of the trafficking genes responsible for human myopathies.

Investigators with authorship
Eva FeldmanUniversity of Michigan
