Beneficial effects of ischemic preconditioning on pancreas cold preservation.
Authors Hogan AR, Doni M, Molano RD, Ribeiro MM, Szeto A, Cobianchi L, Zahr-Akrawi E,
Molina J, Fornoni A, Mendez AJ, Ricordi C, Pastori RL, Pileggi A
Submitted By Submitted Externally on 10/29/2013
Status Published
Journal Cell transplantation
Year 2012
Date Published 2/1/2012
Volume : Pages 21 : 1349 - 1360
PubMed Reference 22305457
Abstract Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) confers tissue resistance to subsequent ischemia
in several organs. The protective effects are obtained by applying short periods
of warm ischemia followed by reperfusion prior to extended ischemic insults to
the organs. In the present study, we evaluated whether IPC can reduce pancreatic
tissue injury following cold ischemic preservation. Rat pancreata were exposed
to IPC (10 min of warm ischemia followed by 10 min of reperfusion) prior to ~18
h of cold preservation before assessment of organ injury or islet isolation.
Pancreas IPC improved islet yields (964 ± 336 vs. 711 ± 204 IEQ/pancreas; p =
0.004) and lowered islet loss after culture (33 ± 10% vs. 51 ± 14%; p = 0.0005).
Islet potency in vivo was well preserved with diabetes reversal and improved
glucose clearance. Pancreas IPC reduced levels of NADPH-dependent oxidase, a
source of reactive oxygen species, in pancreas homogenates versus controls (78.4
± 45.9 vs. 216.2 ± 53.8 RLU/µg; p = 0.002). Microarray genomic analysis of
pancreata revealed upregulation of 81 genes and downregulation of 454 genes
(greater than twofold change) when comparing IPC-treated glands to controls,
respectively, and showing a decrease in markers of apoptosis and oxidative
stress. Collectively, our study demonstrates beneficial effects of IPC of the
pancreas prior to cold organ preservation and provides evidence of the key role
of IPC-mediated modulation of oxidative stress pathways. The use of IPC of the
pancreas may contribute to increasing the quality of donor pancreas for
transplantation and to improving organ utilization.

Investigators with authorship
Alessia FornoniUniversity of Miami - Medical Campus
