Liver X receptors preserve renal glomerular integrity under normoglycaemia and
in diabetes in mice.
Authors Patel M, Wang XX, Magomedova L, John R, Rasheed A, Santamaria H, Wang W, Tsai R,
Qiu L, Orellana A, Advani A, Levi M, Cummins CL
Submitted By Submitted Externally on 2/19/2014
Status Published
Journal Diabetologia
Year 2014
Date Published 2/1/2014
Volume : Pages 57 : 435 - 446
PubMed Reference 24201575
Abstract Liver X receptors (LXRs) a and ß are nuclear hormone receptors that are widely
expressed in the kidney. They promote cholesterol efflux from cells and inhibit
inflammatory responses by regulating gene transcription. Here, we hypothesised
(1) that LXR deficiency would promote renal decline in a mouse model of diabetes
by accelerating intraglomerular cholesterol accumulation and, conversely, (2)
that LXR agonism would attenuate renal decline in diabetes.

Investigators with authorship
Moshe LeviGeorgetown University
