Angiogenic Factors and Cytokines in Diabetic Retinopathy.
Authors Abcouwer SF
Submitted By Steven Abcouwer on 3/17/2014
Status Published
Journal Journal of clinical & cellular immunology
Year 2013
Date Published
Volume : Pages Suppl 1 : Not Specified
PubMed Reference 24319628
Abstract Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a sight-threatening complication of both type-1 and
type-2 diabetes. The recent success of treatments inhibiting the function of
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) demonstrates that specific targeting
of a growth factor responsible for vascular permeability and growth is an
effective means of treating DR-associated vascular dysfunction, edema and
angiogenesis. This has stimulated research of alternative therapeutic targets
involved in the control of retinal vascular function. However, additional
treatment options and preventative measures are still needed and these require a
greater understanding of the pathological mechanisms leading to the disturbance
of retinal tissue homeostasis in DR. Although severe DR can be treated as a
vascular disease, abundant data suggests that inflammation is also occurring in
the diabetic retina.Thus, anti-inflammatory therapies may also be useful for
treatment and prevention of DR. Herein, the evidence for altered expression of
angiogenic factors and cytokines in DR is reviewed and possible mechanisms by
which the expression of VEGF and cytokines may be increased in the diabetic
retina are examined. In addition, the potential role for microglial activation
in diabetic retinal neuroinflammation is explored.

Investigators with authorship
Steven AbcouwerUniversity of Michigan-Ann Arbor
