Antimycotic ciclopirox olamine in the diabetic environment promotes angiogenesis
and enhances wound healing.
Authors Ko SH, Nauta A, Morrison SD, Zhou H, Zimmermann A, Gurtner GC, Ding S, Longaker
Submitted By Submitted Externally on 3/17/2014
Status Published
Journal PLoS ONE
Year 2011
Date Published
Volume : Pages 6 : e27844
PubMed Reference 22125629
Abstract Diabetic wounds remain a major medical challenge with often disappointing
outcomes despite the best available care. An impaired response to tissue hypoxia
and insufficient angiogenesis are major factors responsible for poor healing in
diabetic wounds. Here we show that the antimycotic drug ciclopirox olamine (CPX)
can induce therapeutic angiogenesis in diabetic wounds. Treatment with CPX in
vitro led to upregulation of multiple angiogenic genes and increased
availability of HIF-1a. Using an excisional wound splinting model in diabetic
mice, we showed that serial topical treatment with CPX enhanced wound healing
compared to vehicle control treatment, with significantly accelerated wound
closure, increased angiogenesis, and increased dermal cellularity. These
findings offer a promising new topical pharmacologic therapy for the treatment
of diabetic wounds.

Investigators with authorship
Geoffrey GurtnerStanford University

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