Lipotoxicity contributes to endothelial dysfunction: a focus on the contribution
from ceramide.
Authors Symons JD, Abel ED
Submitted By E. Dale Abel on 3/4/2015
Status Published
Journal Reviews in endocrine & metabolic disorders
Year 2013
Date Published 3/1/2013
Volume : Pages 14 : 59 - 68
PubMed Reference 23292334
Abstract Cardiovascular complications are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality
in individuals with obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and insulin
resistance. Complications include pathologies specific to large
(atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy) and small (retinopathy, nephropathy,
neuropathy) vessels. Common among all of these pathologies is an altered
endothelial cell phenotype i.e., endothelial dysfunction. A crucial aspect of
endothelial dysfunction is reduced nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability.
Hyperglycemia, oxidative stress, activation of the renin-angiotensin system, and
increased pro-inflammatory cytokines are systemic disturbances in individuals
with obesity, T2DM, and insulin resistance and each of these contribute
independently and synergistically to decreasing NO bioavailability. This review
will examine the contribution from elevated circulating fatty acids in these
subjects that lead to lipotoxicity. Particular focus will be placed on the fatty
acid metabolite ceramide.

Investigators with authorship
E. Dale AbelUniversity of Iowa
