Non-invasive MRI of mouse models of atherosclerosis.
Authors Weinreb DB, Aguinaldo JG, Feig JE, Fisher EA, Fayad ZA
Submitted By Submitted Externally on 3/4/2015
Status Published
Journal NMR in biomedicine
Year 2007
Date Published 5/1/2007
Volume : Pages 20 : 256 - 264
PubMed Reference 17451174
Abstract Early detection and characterization of atherosclerotic lesions susceptible to
sudden rupture and thrombosis may decrease morbidity and mortality. Plaque
development has been extensively studied using MRI in animal models of rapidly
progressing atherosclerosis. These transgenic mice develop atherosclerotic
plaques in the aortic root by 10 weeks of age and throughout the vasculature
thereafter. Transplantation of lesion-containing segments of the thoracic aorta
into wild-type mice results in nearly total reversal of atherosclerosis, making
it possible to study both progression and regression of plaques in this model.
MRI permits the non-invasive accurate assessment of atherosclerotic plaque
burden and the differentiation between the lipid and fibrous content of
individual plaques, thus providing a non-invasive approach to serially monitor
the evolution of individual plaques in the mouse models. Emergence of novel
contrast agents that target a diverse set of molecules within the plaque are now
helping to elucidate the changes at the cellular and molecular levels during
plaque progression and regression.

Investigators with authorship
Edward FisherNew York University School of Medicine
