The renin-angiotensin system and diabetic nephropathy.
Authors Gurley SB, Coffman TM
Submitted By Thomas Coffman on 3/4/2015
Status Published
Journal Seminars in nephrology
Year 2007
Date Published 3/1/2007
Volume : Pages 27 : 144 - 152
PubMed Reference 17418683
Abstract The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) has key regulatory functions for blood
pressure and fluid homeostasis. In addition, dysregulation of the system can
have maladaptive effects to promote tissue injury in chronic diseases such as
hypertension, heart failure, and kidney disease. These actions for the RAS to
promote disease pathogenesis are especially apparent in diabetic nephropathy,
the most common cause of end-stage renal disease in the United States. Evidence
of a role for the RAS in diabetic nephropathy comes from studies in animal
models and randomized clinical trials showing efficacy of angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers to slow the progression of
renal disease. Widespread applications of these therapies to a range of renal
diseases may have contributed to the recent reduction in the incidence rates for
end-stage renal disease. We provide a general review of the RAS and its role in
diabetic nephropathy.

Investigators with authorship
Thomas CoffmanDuke University Medical Center
