Recipes for Creating Animal Models of Diabetic Cardiovascular Disease
Authors Willa Hsueh, E. Dale Abel, Jan L. Breslow, Nobuyo Maeda, Richard C. Davis,
Edward A. Fisher, Hayes Dansky, Donald A. McClain, Richard McIndoe, Momtaz K.
Wassef, Cristina Rabadan-Diehl, Ira J. Goldberg
Submitted By Ira Goldberg on 9/24/2007
Status Published
Journal Circulation research
Year 2007
Date Published 5/25/2007
Volume : Pages 100 : 1415 - 1427
PubMed Reference 17525381
Abstract Abstract—For more than 50 years, investigators have unsuccessfully tried to
recreate in experimental animals the cardiovascular complications of diabetes
seen in humans. In particular, accelerated atherosclerosis and dilated
cardiomyopathy, the major causes of mortality in patients with diabetes, have
been conspicuously absent in any mouse models of the disease. Under the auspices
of the NIH, the Animal Models of Diabetic Complications Consortium has worked to
address this issue. This effort has focused on the development of mouse models
because of the high level of genomic information available and the many
well-developed genetic manipulations that may be performed in mice. Importantly,
the consortium has also worked to standardize many methods to assess metabolic
and cardiovascular end points for measurement of the diabetic state and its
macrovascular complications. Finally, for maximum benefits from these animal
models in the study of atherosclerosis and of other diabetic complications, the
consortium has created a system for sharing both the animal models and the
accumulated phenotypic data with the greater scientific community.

Investigators with authorship
E. Dale AbelUniversity of Iowa
Hayes DanskyColumbia University
Richard DavisUniversity of California Los Angeles
Edward FisherNew York University School of Medicine
Ira GoldbergNew York University School of Medicine
Nobuyo MaedaUniversity of North Carolina
Richard McIndoeAugusta University
