Tissue engineering using autologous microcirculatory beds as vascularized
Authors Chang EI, Bonillas RG, El-ftesi S, Chang EI, Ceradini DJ, Vial IN, Chan DA,
Michaels J, Gurtner GC
Submitted By Geoffrey Gurtner on 3/31/2010
Status Published
Journal The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Year 2009
Date Published 3/1/2009
Volume : Pages 23 : 906 - 915
PubMed Reference 19001054
Abstract Classic tissue engineering paradigms are limited by the incorporation of a
functional vasculature and a reliable means for reimplantation into the host
circulation. We have developed a novel approach to overcome these obstacles
using autologous explanted microcirculatory beds (EMBs) as bioscaffolds for
engineering complex three-dimensional constructs. In this study, EMBs consisting
of an afferent artery, capillary beds, efferent vein, and surrounding
parenchymal tissue are explanted and maintained for 24 h ex vivo in a bioreactor
that preserves EMB viability and function. Given the rapidly advancing field of
stem cell biology, EMBs were subsequently seeded with three distinct stem cell
populations, multipotent adult progenitor cells (MAPCs), and bone marrow and
adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). We demonstrate MAPCs, as
well as MSCs, are able to egress from the microcirculation into the parenchymal
space, forming proliferative clusters. Likewise, human adipose tissue-derived
MSCs were also found to egress from the vasculature and seed into the EMBs,
suggesting feasibility of this technology for clinical applications. We further
demonstrate that MSCs can be transfected to express a luciferase protein and
continue to remain viable and maintain luciferase expression in vivo. By using
the vascular network of EMBs, EMBs can be perfused ex vivo and seeded with stem
cells, which can potentially be directed to differentiate into neo-organs or
transfected to replace failing organs and deficient proteins.

Investigators with authorship
Geoffrey GurtnerStanford University
