An IRKO in the Podo: impaired insulin signaling in podocytes and the
pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy.
Authors Gurley SB, Coffman TM
Submitted By Thomas Coffman on 5/2/2011
Status Published
Journal Cell Metabolism
Year 2010
Date Published 10/6/2010
Volume : Pages 12 : 311 - 312
PubMed Reference 20889121
Abstract Despite its high prevalence, the mechanisms causing diabetic kidney disease
remain poorly understood. In this issue of Cell Metabolism, Welsh et al. (2010)
show that elimination of insulin receptors from the glomerular podocyte, a cell
that is central to the pathogenesis of proteinuric renal diseases, recapitulates
many features of human diabetic nephropathy.

Investigators with authorship
Thomas CoffmanDuke University Medical Center
