Post-stroke neovascularization and functional outcomes differ in diabetes
depending on severity of injury and sex: Potential link to hemorrhagic
Authors Li W, Valenzuela JP, Ward R, Abdelbary M, Dong G, Fagan SC, Ergul A
Submitted By Weiguo Li on 11/6/2018
Status Published
Journal Experimental neurology
Year 2018
Date Published 9/1/2018
Volume : Pages 311 : 106 - 114
PubMed Reference 30243988
Abstract Diabetes is associated with increased risk and worsened outcome of stroke.
Previous studies showed that male diabetic animals had greater hemorrhagic
transformation (HT), profound loss of cerebral vasculature, and poor behavioral
outcomes after ischemic stroke induced by suture or embolic middle cerebral
artery occlusion (MCAO). Females are protected from stroke until reaching the
menopause age, but young females with diabetes have a higher risk of stroke and
women account for the majority of stroke mortality. The current study postulated
that diabetes is associated with greater vascular injury and exacerbated
sensorimotor and cognitive outcome after stroke even in young female animals.
Male and female control and diabetic animals were subjected to transient MCAO
and followed for 3 or 14?days to assess the neurovascular injury and repair. The
vascularization indices after stroke were lower in male diabetic animals with
90-min but not 60-min ischemia/reperfusion injury, while there was no change in
female groups. Cognitive deficits were exacerbated in both male and female
groups regardless of the injury period, while the sensorimotor dysfunction was
worsened in male diabetic animals with longer ischemia time. These results
suggest that diabetes negates the protection afforded by sex in young female
animals, and post-stroke vascularization pattern is influenced by the degree of
injury and correlates with functional outcome in both sexes. Vasculoprotection
after acute ischemic stroke may provide a novel therapeutic strategy in
