Research Resource: dkCOIN, the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and
Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) Consortium Interconnectivity Network: A Pilot Program to
Aggregate Research Resources Generated by Multiple Research Consortia.
Authors McKenna NJ, Howard CL, Aufiero M, Easton-Marks J, Steffen DL, Becnel LB,
Magnuson MA, McIndoe RA, Cartailler JP
Submitted By Richard McIndoe on 7/3/2012
Status Published
Journal Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.)
Year 2012
Date Published 6/25/2012
Volume : Pages 26 : 1675 - 1681
PubMed Reference 22734043
Abstract The National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
supports multiple basic science consortia that generate high-content datasets,
reagent resources, and methodologies, in the fields of kidney, urology,
hematology, digestive, and endocrine diseases, as well as metabolic diseases
such as diabetes and obesity. These currently include the Beta Cell Biology
Consortium, the Nuclear Receptor Signaling Atlas, the Diabetic Complications
Consortium, and the Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Centers. Recognizing the synergy
that would accrue from aggregating information generated and curated by these
initiatives in a contiguous informatics network, we created the NIDDK Consortium
Interconnectivity Network (dkCOIN; The goal of this pilot
project, organized by the NIDDK, was to establish a single point of access to a
toolkit of interconnected resources (datasets, reagents, and protocols)
generated from individual consortia that could be readily accessed by biologists
of diverse backgrounds and research interests. During the pilot phase of this
activity dkCOIN collected nearly 2000 consortium-curated resources, including
datasets (functional genomics) and reagents (mouse strains, antibodies, and
adenoviral constructs) and built nearly 3000 resource-to-resource connections,
thereby demonstrating the feasibility of further extending this database in the
future. Thus, dkCOIN promises to be a useful informatics solution for rapidly
identifying useful resources generated by participating research consortia.

Investigators with authorship
Richard McIndoeAugusta University
