The goal of the NIDDK-sponsored Diabetic Complications Consortium (DiaComp) is to advance the study of diabetic complications and promote communication
and collaboration between investigators involved in complications research by supporting scientific meetings and funding new research activities.
DiaComp Pilot and Feasibility Program
This program solicits and funds small Pilot and Feasibility (P&F) projects in high-impact areas of diabetic complications research that fall
within the primary mission of the NIDDK (please see the
NIDDK website for full details). Diabetic complications of interest to the NIDDK include diabetic nephropathy, uropathy, neuropathy, gastrointestinal, liver, bone,
and wound healing. Applications focused on all other diabetic complications (including diabetic retinopathy and cardiovascular disease) do NOT fall within the primary
mission of the NIDDK and will be deemed non-responsive. If an application proposes to study the interconnectivity of multiple diabetic complications, a majority of the
proposal must address an NIDDK complication of primary interest.
This program aims to support discovery (hypothesis generating) and innovative (high-risk/high-reward) research that will advance our understanding of diabetic complications
and that are increasingly difficult to support through standard NIH mechanisms. Basic, translational and clinical research proposals are encouraged. When appropriate, the
use of human samples is strongly encouraged. Research involving human subjects is limited to observational studies with non-invasive or minimally invasive testing and must
have IRB approval that includes the collection and use of human samples for research purposes. Clinical trials, as defined by the NIH, are beyond the scope of this program.
For further details and resources to help clarify the NIH definition, please consult information posted at the NIH Clinical Trials website
Awards are expected to prepare the applicant(s) to submit a future investigator-initiated project (e.g. NIH R01).
Lower priority will be given to applicants who have received DiaComp support in the past three years. Foreign applications are NOT allowed.
Applications of 5 pages requesting up to $100,000 for one year are due May 17, 2012.
Current areas of emphasis include, but are not limited to:
- Integration and Visualization of Molecular Data
Many investigators assess single cells at the molecular/-omic level (e.g., genomic, epigenomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic). There is a critical need to develop better computational tools and software applications ("apps") to analyze, integrate, display, and share these complex data sets.
For example:
Develop new computational analyses to align different single cell datasets, including those generated by disparate laboratories.
Develop new tools and methods to integrate and spatially align single cell data.
Develop new ways of mining of clinical, histological, tissue, cellular and molecular data to create a 2- or 3-Dimensional tissue atlas or conceptual model that visualizes multi-level data and generates usable information.
Develop new methods to register overlapping images of ultrastructure and molecular markers.
Develop better ways to aggregate and integrate data and metadata from a broad range of experimental and computational projects.
Develop and/or adapt data analysis tools for searching, integration, annotation, cross-validation and visualization.
- Novel Assays of Physiology/Function
The study of model systems has been slowed by the dearth of high-throughput methods to measure changes in cell, tissue, or organ function. This area of emphasis calls for the development of better assays, reporters, and/or tools to assess the in vivo (patho)physiology of organs impacted by diabetes.
For example:
The transparency of C. elegans and zebrafish larvae permits the facile monitoring of cell-based biosensors designed to measure physiology and function in free living organisms. With the advent of improved genome-editing technologies and large-scale efforts to develop biosensors (e.g. ER stress, oxidative stress, hypoxia, autophagy, glucose levels, hormone levels, albuminuria, sheer stress, fluid flow, etc.), the time is right for researchers to develop novel tools to simultaneously image/measure physiologic processes in real-time.
Develop a high-throughput method to measure transepithelial transport in vivo by adapting available ion, pH and/or volume sensitive fluorescent dyes. Such dyes could be engineered into cells or be applied to growing organoids.
Develop assays of mucosal immune, gut barrier, and other intestinal functions which could be used to elucidate functional consequences of human mutations conferring diabetic complications risk.
Develop reporter lines to track development of inflammation or fibrosis in liver, kidney, bladder and other end organs of diabetic complications.
Each proposal should indicate how these next generation tools, lines and protocols will be broadly shared.
- Targeted Delivery of Therapeutics
There is a critical need to develop highly efficient delivery technologies that target therapeutics to specific cells and tissues relevant to diabetic complications, including approaches that account for disease state.
For example:
Develop non-viral methods to deliver CRISPR/Cas9 to specific cells for genome editing.
Develop cell specific nanoparticles, extracellular vesicles, or exosomes to deliver nucleic acids (e.g., mRNA, siRNA), or develop tools to purify and characterize these delivery vehicles.
Develop novel encapsulation technologies that enhance solubility and bioavailability, and facilitate cell-specific entry.
- Imaging and Tissue Interrogation
There is a critical need to develop innovative technologies to image or interrogate human tissue from end organs of diabetic complications to better understand (patho)physiology and (dys)function, including slide-based imaging modalities with the ability to detect and spatially resolve single cell -omics.
For example:
Develop and apply a scalable technology for high spatial resolution -omic (e.g., transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic) interrogation of human tissue.
Develop novel single cell proteomics methods.
Use computational methods to extract multiple quantifiable image features to show differences in (patho)physiology, (dys)function, or response to intervention.
Develop new analysis methods to interrogate biomedical image data.
Develop imaging techniques to measure organ function and pathology (e.g., inflammation, altered metabolism, fibrosis) where other diagnostics are misleading/inadequate or to measure novel prognostic indicators that could be used to improve clinical trials.
Produce, validate and distribute novel antibodies and probes based on single cell or other -omic datasets.
Develop new ways of high-order mining of clinical, histological, tissue, cellular and molecular data to create a 2- or 3-Dimensional tissue atlas or conceptual model that visualizes multi-level data and generates usable information.
Develop new methods to register overlapping images of ultrastructure and molecular markers.
- Sex Differences
Diabetic complications manifest themselves differently between men and women. Understanding the molecular underpinnings of these manifestations is critical to designing tailored therapeutic approaches.
For example:
Develop (or adapt) experimental models of diabetic end-organ complications in both sexes.
Leverage existing models for studying sex-differences to differentiate sex hormone from sex chromosome effects in diabetic end-organ complications.
Perform exploratory studies to identify differentially expressed genes in diabetic males and females.
Perform exploratory studies to identify sex-specific biomarkers for diabetic end-organ complications.
- Pre-clinical Testing
There is a compelling need to translate novel, scientifically meritorious therapeutic interventions for diabetic complications.
For example:
Support the preclinical work necessary to obtain "proof of principle" establishing that a new molecule or novel approach will be a viable candidate for expanded clinical evaluation.
Develop and use novel cell-based, organoid, or in vivo assays for the discovery and preclinical testing of potential therapies for diabetic complications.
Perform additional preclinical testing as needed to validate potential therapies under disease-specific conditions and in multiple systems before they can progress along the drug development pipeline.
Bioengineer healthy and diseased end organs of diabetic complications, including incorporation of appropriate cell types, for functional testing and screening.
Identify and interrogate endogenous repair and regeneration pathways. Screen for ways to promote endogenous repair and regeneration in vivo.
Define repair circuits to identify drug targets that will enhance productive repair and develop target-based small screening assays. Use phenotype screening assays to identify small molecules that will stimulate productive repair/regeneration and restore failing function.
Develop cell-based therapies, including induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS) and regenerative therapies to repair and reverse complications. Develop methods for identifying, counting and eliminating potentially harmful components and cells from stem cell preparations.
Budget requests should be commensurate with project needs over a one-year project period. While average DiaComp P&F awards are $60,000 Total Costs for one year, well justified requests for support of up to $100,000 Total Costs per year will be considered.
When appropriate, the use of human samples is strongly encouraged, including the linking of human samples to existing tissue repositories and databases (e.g. the
NIDDK repository [ www.niddkrepository.org/home/] or dkNET [ http://www.dknet.org/]). Research involving human subjects is limited to observational studies with non-invasive or minimally invasive testing and
must have IRB approval that includes the collection and use of human samples for research purposes. Interventional clinical trials are beyond the scope of this program.
Streptozotocin (STZ) is used by DiaComp participants to induce diabetes in several animal models. STZ is toxic to the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas and used to
induce diabetes similar to a type I diabetic patient. Some reports suggest cellular toxicity outside of the pancreas. STZ also exhibits broad spectrum antibacterial properties
and may alter the gut microbiota. Applicants are reminded to justify their choice of approaches and models of diabetes, including the STZ model, to ensure that appropriate controls
are included in all studies and to consider use of complementary approaches. Reviewers are asked to accept use of appropriately justified STZ-diabetes models with appropriate controls
unless they can provide direct evidence that the model is inappropriate for the proposed studies.
Applications are due May 17, 2012 for July start dates.
Applications of 5 pages requesting up to $100,000 for one year are due May 17, 2012.
- Role of the Microbiome in Diabetic Complications
The microbiome consists of genetic material and metabolites from all microbes that live on and inside the body, including bacteria, archaea, fungi, protozoa and viruses. The community of microorganisms that make up the microbiome are known to modulate key physiological processes, including pathways that may influence the onset and/or severity of diabetic complications. DiaComp is inviting applications that define relationships between the microbiome and diabetic complications in mouse models.
For example:
Demonstrate the relationship (if any) between the human or rodent microbiome and the initiation, severity, frequency, or resolution of complications-related phenotypes;
Define the interplay between host and microbiome genetics and epigenetics in driving or modulating complications-related phenotypes;
Explore how penetrance and/or severity of complications-related phenotypes may be affected by defined microbiota populations or their products;
Examine whether naturally-occurring or synthetic phages may influence complications-related outcomes by altering resident microbiota populations.
Proposed microbiome studies should incorporate a paragraph entitled "Rigor and Reproducibility" that outlines how the experimental design addresses and/or controls for key parameters that may affect rigor and reproducibility in microbiome research, such as: husbandry conditions, key biological variables (such as sex, circadian rhythms, body weight, physical activity) and diet.
The microbiome is a shared common interest and presented in partnership with the NIDDK sponsored Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Centers (MMPCs). No separate application to the MMPC program is needed/required when responding to this DiaComp topic area.
- Targeted Delivery of Therapeutics
There is a critical need to develop highly efficient delivery technologies that target therapeutics to specific cells and tissues relevant to diabetic complications, including approaches that account for the effects of disease.
For example:
Develop non-viral methods to deliver CRISPR/Cas9 to specific cells for genome editing.
Develop cell specific nanoparticles, extracellular vesicles, or exosomes to deliver nucleic acids (e.g., mRNA, siRNA).
Develop novel encapsulation technologies that enhance solubility and bioavailability, and facilitate cell-specific entry.
- Imaging and Tissue Interrogation
There is a critical need to develop innovative technologies to image or interrogate human tissue from end organs of diabetic complications to better understand (patho)physiology and (dys)function, including slide-based imaging modalities with the ability to detect and spatially resolve single cell -omics.
For example:
Develop and apply a scalable technology for high spatial resolution -omic (e.g., transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic) interrogation of human tissue.
Develop novel single cell proteomics methods.
Use computational methods to extract multiple quantifiable image features to show differences in (patho)physiology, (dys)function, or response to intervention.
Develop new analysis methods to interrogate biomedical image data.
Develop imaging techniques to measure organ function where other diagnostics are misleading/inadequate or to measure novel prognostic indicators that could be used to improve clinical trials.
Produce, validate and distribute novel antibodies and probes based on single cell or other -omic datasets.
Develop new ways of high-order mining of clinical, histological, tissue, cellular and molecular data to create a 2- or 3-Dimensional tissue atlas or conceptual model that visualizes multi-level data and generates usable information.
Develop new methods to register overlapping images of ultrastructure and molecular markers.
- Sex Differences
Diabetic complications manifest themselves differently between men and women. Understanding the molecular underpinnings of these manifestations is critical to designing tailored therapeutic approaches.
For example:
Develop (or adapt) experimental models of diabetic end-organ complications in females.
Leverage existing models for studying sex-differences to differentiate sex hormone from sex chromosome effects in diabetic end-organ complications.
Perform exploratory studies to identify differentially expressed genes in diabetic males and females.
Perform exploratory studies to identify sex-specific biomarkers for diabetic end-organ complications.
- Autonomic Neuropathy
Diabetic complications can result from several factors including direct effects of hyperglycemia, underlying microvascular or autonomic nerve dysfunction, or mixed effects from multiple contributing factors. Additional studies are needed to better understand the relative contribution of autonomic innervation on the diabetic dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and urologic organs (bladder, prostate, erectile tissue). For example:
Understand changes in the parasympathetic and sympathetic tone in response to diabetes, and how this imbalance may be implicated in end-organ complications.
Dissect contributions of the extrinsic autonomic dysfunction from intrinsic autonomic dysfunction (enteric nervous system, neuroendocrine cells) in gastrointestinal, bladder or urogenital diabetic complications.
Determine contribution of renal innervation to initial hemodynamic responses of the kidney to hyperglycemia.
Determine changes in renal, bladder, urogenital, or GI tract afferent signaling in response to diabetes, and how this may relate to various dysfunctions (i.e. urinary incontinence, changes in gut motility, hypertension, glomerular filtration rate changes).
- Pre-clinical Testing
There is a compelling need to translate novel, scientifically meritorious therapeutic interventions for diabetic complications.
For example:
Support the preclinical work necessary to obtain "proof of principle" establishing that a new molecule or novel approach will be a viable candidate for expanded clinical evaluation.
Pilot studies to support the development and use of novel cell-based, organoid, or in vivo assays for the discovery and preclinical testing of potential therapies for diabetic complications.
Additional preclinical testing is often required to validate potential therapies under disease-specific conditions and in multiple systems before they can progress along the drug development pipeline.
Bioengineer healthy and diseased end organs of diabetic complications, including incorporation of appropriate cell types, for functional testing and screening.
Identify and interrogate endogenous repair and regeneration pathways. Screen for ways to promote endogenous repair and regeneration in vivo.
Define repair circuits to identify drug targets that will enhance productive repair and develop target-based small screening assays. Use phenotype screening assays to identify small molecules that will stimulate productive repair/regeneration and restore failing function.
Application of cells, including induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, and regenerative therapies to repair and reverse complications. Develop methods for identifying, counting and eliminating potentially harmful components and cells from stem cell preparations.
Budget requests should be commensurate with project needs over a one-year project period. While average DiaComp P&F awards are $60,000 Total Costs for one year, well justified requests for support of up to $100,000 Total Costs per year will be considered.
When appropriate, the use of human samples is strongly encouraged, including the linking of human samples to existing tissue repositories and databases (e.g. the
NIDDK repository [ www.niddkrepository.org/home/] or dkNET [ http://www.dknet.org/]). Research involving human subjects is limited to observational studies with non-invasive or minimally invasive testing and
must have IRB approval that includes the collection and use of human samples for research purposes. Interventional clinical trials are beyond the scope of this program.
Streptozotocin (STZ) is used by DiaComp participants to induce diabetes in several animal models. STZ is toxic to the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas and used to
induce diabetes similar to a type I diabetic patient. Some reports suggest cellular toxicity outside of the pancreas. STZ also exhibits broad spectrum antibacterial properties
and may alter the gut microbiota. Applicants are reminded to justify their choice of approaches and models of diabetes, including the STZ model, to ensure that appropriate controls
are included in all studies and to consider use of complementary approaches. Reviewers are asked to accept use of appropriately justified STZ-diabetes models with appropriate controls
unless they can provide direct evidence that the model is inappropriate for the proposed studies.
Applications are due May 17, 2012 for October start dates.
Applications of 5 pages requesting up to $100,000 for one year are due May 17, 2012.
Current areas of emphasis include, but are not limited to:
New Areas of Interest for 2020 are coming soon.
- Imaging
There is a critical need to develop innovative technologies to image human tissue from end organs of diabetic complications to better understand (patho)physiology and (dys)function.
For example:
Develop imaging techniques to measure organ function where other diagnostics are misleading/inadequate or to measure novel prognostic indicators that could
be used to improve clinical trials.
Develop imaging assays to detect tissue heterogeneity with prognostic significance.
Develop new analysis methods to interrogate biomedical image data.
Develop imaging techniques to resolve pathological targets and pathways that may be modulated with
interventions (such as inflammation and fibrosis).
Use computer extraction of multiple quantifiable image features to show differences in (patho)physiology,
(dys)function, or response to intervention.
Develop new imaging protocols, tools or reagents for interrogation of healthy and diseased human tissue with
multiple probes ("multiplexing") and single cell resolution.
Develop novel ways to non-invasively image productive repair and regeneration, perhaps by imaging the integration
and/or "fusion" of applied stem cells.
Produce, validate and distribute novel antibodies and probes based on single cell datasets.
Spatial Integration and Visualization of Single Cell Data.
- Spatial Integration and Visualization of Single Cell Data
Many investigators dissociate tissues to assess single cells at the molecular/-omic level (e.g., genomic, epigenomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic). There is a critical
need to develop better computational tools, that may include machine learning, to analyze these data sets and provide spatial context to single cell/nucleus data.
For example:
Develop new computational analyses to align different single cell datasets.
Develop new tools and methods to integrate and spatially align single cell data.
Develop new ways of high-order mining of clinical, histological, tissue, cellular and molecular data to create a 2- or 3-Dimensional tissue atlas or conceptual model that
visualizes multi-level data and generates usable information.
Develop new methods to register overlapping images of ultrastructure and molecular markers.
Develop better ways to aggregate and integrate data and metadata from a broad range of experimental and computational projects.
Develop and/or adapt data analysis tools for searching, integration, cross-validation and visualization.
Provide high-quality spatio-temporal annotation and develop ontologies. Extend existing ontologies to resolve interstitial components, cell type and cell state.
- Sex Differences
Diabetic complications manifest themselves differently between men and women. Understanding the molecular underpinnings of these manifestations is critical to designing tailored therapeutic approaches.
For example:
Develop (or adapt) experimental models in which females develop diabetic end-organ complications. As females may be protected from diabetes due to estrogen-protective effect on pancreatic
β-cells, females are often resistant to developing end-organ complications, which may explain why females are often overlooked in basic studies.
Leverage existing models for studying sex-differences to differentiate sex hormone from sex chromosome effects in diabetic end-organ complications.
Perform exploratory studies to identify differentially expressed genes in diabetic males and females.
Perform exploratory studies to identify sex-specific biomarkers for diabetic end-organ complications.
- Autonomic Neuropathy
Diabetic complications can result from several factors including direct effects of hyperglycemia, underlying microvascular or autonomic nerve dysfunction, or mixed effects from
multiple contributing factors. Additional studies are needed to better understand the relative contribution of autonomic innervation on the diabetic dysfunction of the gastrointestinal
tract, kidneys, and urologic organs (bladder, prostate, erectile tissue).
For example:
Understand changes in the parasympathetic and sympathetic tone in response to diabetes, and how this imbalance may be implicated in end-organ complications.
Dissect contributions of the extrinsic autonomic dysfunction from intrinsic autonomic dysfunction (enteric nervous system, neuroendocrine cells) in
gastrointestinal, bladder or urogenital diabetic complications.
Determine contribution of renal innervation to initial hemodynamic responses of the kidney to hyperglycemia.
Determine changes in renal, bladder, urogenital, or GI tract afferent signaling in response to diabetes, and how this may relate to various dysfunctions (i.e. urinary
incontinence, changes in gut motility, hypertension, glomerular filtration rate changes).
- Pre-clinical Testing
There is a compelling need to translate novel, scientifically meritorious therapeutic interventions for diabetic complications.
For example:
Support the preclinical work necessary to obtain "proof of principle" establishing that a new molecule or novel approach will be a viable candidate
for expanded clinical evaluation.
Pilot studies to support the development and use of novel cell-based, organoid, or in vivo assays for the discovery and preclinical testing of
potential therapies for diabetic complications.
Additional preclinical testing is often required to validate potential therapies under disease-specific conditions and in multiple systems before
they can progress along the drug development pipeline.
Bioengineer healthy and diseased end organs of diabetic complications, including incorporation of appropriate cell types, for functional testing and screening.
Identify and interrogate endogenous repair and regeneration pathways. Screen for ways to promote endogenous repair and regeneration in vivo.
Define repair circuits to identify drug targets that will enhance productive repair and develop target-based small screening assays. Use phenotype screening
assays to identify small molecules that will stimulate productive repair/regeneration and restore failing function.
Application of cells, including induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, and regenerative therapies to repair and reverse complications. Develop methods for
identifying, counting and eliminating potentially harmful components and cells from stem cell preparations.
Budget requests should be commensurate with project needs over a one-year project period. While average DiaComp P&F awards are $60,000 Total Costs for one year, well
justified requests for support of up to $100,000 Total Costs per year will be considered.
When appropriate, the use of human samples is strongly encouraged, including the linking of human samples to existing tissue repositories and databases (e.g. the
NIDDK repository [ www.niddkrepository.org/home/] or dkNET [ http://www.dknet.org/]). Research involving human subjects is limited to observational studies with non-invasive or minimally invasive testing and
must have IRB approval that includes the collection and use of human samples for research purposes. Interventional clinical trials are beyond the scope of this program.
Streptozotocin (STZ) is used by DiaComp members to induce diabetes in a number of the animal models developed by the consortium. STZ is toxic to the insulin-producing
beta cells of the pancreas and used to induce diabetes similar to a type I diabetic patient. Some reports suggest cellular toxicity outside of the pancreas. STZ also
exhibits broad spectrum antibacterial properties and may alter the gut microbiota. Applicants to DiaComp are reminded to justify their choice of approaches and models of
diabetes, including the STZ model, to ensure that appropriate controls are included in all studies and to consider use of complementary approaches. Reviewers are asked to
accept use of appropriately justified STZ-diabetes models with appropriate controls unless they can provide direct evidence that the model is inappropriate for the
proposed studies.
Applications are due May 17, 2012 for October start dates.
Applications of 5 pages requesting up to $100,000 for one year are due June 11, 2018.
Current areas of emphasis include, but are not limited to:
- Human Tissue Interrogation
Develop and use innovative technologies to analyze human tissue from end organs of diabetic complications to better understand (patho)physiology and (dys)function.
For example:
Develop new protocols, tools or reagents for the molecular/omic interrogation of healthy or diseased human tissue. These
may involve imaging methods at the single cell level (e.g., SWITCH, systems-wide control of interaction time and kinetics of
chemicals, CyTOF mass cytometry, CLARITY, etc.) or digestion of specimens into single cells for further analysis (e.g, flow cytometry,
microfluidics, mass cytometry or chemical cytometry).
Profile and validate cell types isolated from healthy or diseased human tissue using FACS, laser-capture or other approaches. Molecular/omic
profiling of cell types should inform in vitro and in vivo efforts to model, recreate or regenerate these cell types to study human (patho)physiology
and (dys)function.
- Catalog cells and pathways involved in productive repair post diabetic injury.
Assess the quality of human bone in diabetes. Increased fracture risk is an important morbidity in subjects with T2DM. Bone imaging
technologies, have shown differences in bone quality and bone marrow fat content as compared to non-diabetic individuals. The role of
advanced glycation end-product (AGE) accumulation has also been implicated in this increased fracture risk. This information has
increased our understanding of how T2DM adversely impacts both bone metabolism and fracture risk, but the histological characterization
of skeletal abnormalities in T2DM has been poorly explored. This information may provide important insights that may lead to a better
understanding of this complication as well provide insights on how to ameliorate it.
Use novel tissue interrogation techniques to better define the diabetic human prostate.
Examine the localized tissue secretory and cellular microenvironments (e.g., extracellular matrix, interstitium, wound exudate) using emerging technologies
such as nanoFACS for extracellular vesicle profiling, CLASI-FISH for exploring the 3D relationships in the microbiome, or MALDI-based technologies to
characterize the extracellular proteome as it relates to the development or extent of diabetic complications.
- Bioengineered Models
Recent advances in engineering, developmental biology, and genome editing have stimulated development of "tissue chip" and "organoid" models of
numerous tissue compartments and disease states. The 3D cell culture in vitro models generated using human cells and physiologic conditions
(e.g. flow) have the potential to more accurately recapitulate human phenotypes.
For example:
Develop tissue chip models of end organs affected by diabetic complications, including components that may be affected by diabetic complications (e.g., microvasculature or innervation).
Use human cells to develop mature organoid models of end organs affected by diabetic complications. Develop methods to support the maturation of organoids.
Study mechanisms of diabetic complications using a tissue chip model of an affected end organ.
Evaluate a therapeutic strategy for diabetic complications using an assay involving an organoid model.
Study impact of patient genotype on diabetic complications using tissue chip models incorporating human cells.
- Repair and Regeneration
Devise strategies to stimulate repair/regeneration and restore function in end organs affected by diabetic complications.
For example:
Identify and interrogate endogenous repair and regeneration pathways. Screen for ways to promote endogenous repair and regeneration in vivo.
Define repair circuits to identify drug targets that will enhance repair and develop target-based small screening assays. Use phenotype screening
assays to identify small molecules that will stimulate repair/regeneration and restore failing function.
Discover and/or characterize signals released by injured tissue required for productive repair and regeneration.
Application of cells, including induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, and regenerative therapies to repair and reverse complications.
Develop novel ways to non-invasively image repair and regeneration, perhaps by imaging the integration and/or "fusion" of applied stem cells.
Develop methods for identifying, counting and eliminating potentially harmful components and cells from stem cell preparations.
- Biosensors
The pathogenesis of diabetic complications is metabolically and genetically complex and involves multiple organ systems. Model organisms are well suited for
studying pathophysiology driven or impacted by tissue- and organ-crosstalk. The transparency of C. elegans and zebrafish
larvae permits the facile monitoring of cell-based biosensors designed to measure inter- and intra-cellular processes in free living organisms. With the advent
of improved genome-editing technologies and large-scale efforts to develop biosensors (e.g. ER stress, oxidative stress, autophagy, glucose levels, hormone levels,
albuminuria, etc.), the time is right for researchers to develop novel tools and adapt existing approaches to advance our understanding of the mechanisms
underlying diabetic complications.
For example:
Develop non-mammalian model organism lines that mimic aspects of the human pathology through protocols that induce diabetes
and/or express cell-based physiologically-relevant biosensors and reporters to simultaneously image/measure physiologic processes
in real-time.
Develop non-mammalian models organism lines and protocols to study the effects of altered glucose homeostasis on the central and peripheral
nervous systems leading to further disruption of metabolic control and complications such as neuropathic pain, gastroparesis, and disturbed renal function.
Develop non-mammalian model organism assays, reporters, or other tools to identify novel or understudied processes that impact the
molecular anatomy and physiology of kidney and urinary tract development, function or dysfunction in response to long-term dysglycemia.
Develop assays of mucosal immune, gut barrier, and other intestinal functions which could be used to elucidate functional consequences of
human mutations conferring diabetic complications risk.
Develop reporter lines to track development of fibrosis in liver, kidney and other end organs of diabetic complications.
Each proposal should indicate how these next generation tools, lines and protocols will be broadly shared.
- Pre-clinical Testing
There is a compelling need to translate novel, scientifically meritorious therapeutic interventions for diabetic complications.
For example:
Support the preclinical work necessary to obtain "proof of principle" establishing that a new molecule or novel approach will be a viable candidate
for expanded clinical evaluation.
Pilot studies to support the development and use of novel cell-based, organoid, or in vivo assays for the discovery and preclinical testing of
potential therapies for diabetic complications.
Additional preclinical testing is often required to validate potential therapies under disease-specific conditions and in multiple systems before
they can progress along the drug development pipeline.
Bioengineer healthy and diseased end organs of diabetic complications, including incorporation of appropriate cell types, for functional testing and screening.
Budget requests should be commensurate with project needs over a one year project period. While average DiaComp P&F awards are $60,000 Total Costs for one year, well
justified requests for support of up to $100,000 Total Costs per year will be considered.
When appropriate, the use of human samples is strongly encouraged, including the linking of human samples to existing tissue repositories and databases (e.g. the
NIDDK repository [ www.niddkrepository.org/home/] or dkNET [ http://www.dknet.org/]). Research involving human subjects is limited to observational studies with non-invasive or minimally invasive testing and
must have IRB approval that includes the collection and use of human samples for research purposes. Interventional clinical trials are beyond the scope of this program.
Streptozotocin (STZ) is used by DiaComp members to induce diabetes in a number of the animal models developed by the consortium. STZ is toxic to the insulin-producing
beta cells of the pancreas and used to induce diabetes similar to a type I diabetic patient. Some reports suggest cellular toxicity outside of the pancreas. STZ also
exhibits broad spectrum antibacterial properties and may alter the gut microbiota. Applicants to DiaComp are reminded to justify their choice of approaches and models of
diabetes, including the STZ model, to ensure that appropriate controls are included in all studies and to consider use of complementary approaches. Reviewers are asked to
accept use of appropriately justified STZ-diabetes models with appropriate controls unless they can provide direct evidence that the model is inappropriate for the
proposed studies.
Applications are due June 30, 2018 for October start dates.
Applications of 5 pages requesting up to $100,000 for one year are due June 12, 2017.
Current areas of emphasis include, but are not limited to:
New Areas of Interest for 2017 are coming soon.
- Human Tissue Interrogation
Develop and use innovative technologies to analyze human tissue from end organs of diabetic complications.
For example:
Develop new protocols, tools or reagents for the molecular/omic interrogation of healthy or diseased human tissue. These
may involve imaging methods at the single cell level (e.g., SWITCH, systems-wide control of interaction time and kinetics of
chemicals, CyTOF mass cytometry, CLARITY, etc.) or digestion of specimens into single cells for further analysis (e.g, flow cytometry,
microfluidics, mass cytometry or chemical cytometry).
Profile and validate cell types isolated from healthy or diseased human tissue using FACS, laser-capture or other approaches. Molecular/omic
profiling of cell types should inform in vitro and in vivo efforts to model, recreate or regenerate these cell types.
Examine the localized tissue secretory and cellular microenvironments (e.g., extracellular matrix, interstitium, wound exudate) using emerging
technologies such as nanoFACS for extracellular vesicle profiling, CLASI-FISH for exploring the 3D relationships in the microbiome, or MALDI-based
technologies to characterize the extracellular proteome as it relates to the development or extent of diabetic complications.
Bioengineer healthy or diseased end organs of diabetic complications, including incorporation of appropriate cell types, for functional testing and screening.
- Biosensors
The pathogenesis of diabetic complications is metabolically and genetically complex and involves multiple organ systems. Model
organisms are well suited for studying pathophysiology driven or impacted by tissue- and organ-crosstalk. The transparency of C.
elegans and zebrafish larvae permits the facile monitoring of cell-based biosensors designed to measure inter- and intra-cellular
processes in free living organisms. With the advent of improved genome-editing technologies and large-scale efforts to develop
biosensors (e.g. ER stress, oxidative stress, autophagy, glucose levels, hormone levels, albuminuria, etc.), the time is right
for researchers to develop novel tools and adapt existing approaches to advance our understanding of the mechanisms underlying
diabetic complications.
For example:
Develop non-mammalian model organism lines that mimic aspects of the human pathology through protocols that induce diabetes
and/or express cell-based physiologically-relevant biosensors and reporters to simultaneously image/measure physiologic processes
in real-time.
Develop non-mammalian models organism lines and protocols to study the effects of altered glucose homeostasis on the central and
peripheral nervous systems leading to further disruption of metabolic control and complications such as neuropathic pain,
gastroparesis, and disturbed renal or cardiac function.
Develop non-mammalian model organism assays, reporters, or other tools to identify novel or understudied processes that impact the
molecular anatomy and physiology of kidney and urinary tract development, function or dysfunction in response to long-term dysglycemia.
Develop assays of mucosal immune, gut barrier, and other intestinal functions which could be used to elucidate functional consequences of
human mutations conferring diabetic complications risk.
Develop reporter lines to track development of fibrosis in liver, kidney and other end organs of diabetic complications.
Each proposal should indicate how these next generation tools, lines and protocols will be broadly shared.
- Biofilms
Biofilms lack a precise definition but are generally accepted to be structured communities of microorganisms, adhered to a surface, and exhibiting phenotypic
heterogeneity. Compared to planktonic (free-floating) bacteria, biofilm bacteria are more virulent and resistant to treatment and host immune factors. Biofilms
are under-appreciated as a contributor to diabetic complications.
For example:
Biofilms can be monolayer or multilayer and contain heterogeneous or homogenous populations of microorganisms associated with biotic and abiotic
surfaces. Biofilm formation by pathogenic bacteria contribute significantly to antibiotic resistance and infection recurrence. Host-pathogen
interaction, extracellular matrix formation, and quorum sensing are involved in the formation of biofilms but little is known about how these processes
are affected by changes in tissue and cellular physiology in the context of chronic diabetes. Such changes may contribute to diabetic complications such as
recurrent urinary tract infections, bladder dysfunction and prostatitis.
It has become increasingly apparent that the urine is not a "sterile" environment. Recent data indicate the bladder and urine are hosts to a rich array of
micro-organisms that are likely to play important roles in maintaining normal bladder function. We encourage pilot proposals exploring how these "native"
micro-organisms interact with the pathogenic micro-organisms to promote or prevent biofilm formation and recurrent UTIs within the context of diabetes.
Artificial surfaces commonly used for in-dwelling urinary catheters are a recognized substrate for biofilm formation and the unique milieu of diabetes may
alter the population of micro-organisms present in the urinary bladder to promote biofilm formation. Specific topics of interest include elucidating the
interaction of pathogenic micro-organisms with catheter materials and the exploration of alternative materials that preclude pathogenic biofilm formation in
diabetic patients.
The twenty-week healing rate for neuropathic diabetic foot ulcers is about 50% and bacterial biofilms are a major cause for the failure of chronic wounds to
heal. Detection of biofilms is critical for diagnosis, but standard culture methods and other indicators such as visual and olfactory examination of wounds
are inadequate. The treatment of diabetic foot ulcers requires a better understanding of the mechanisms by which certain bacteria within the complex flora
of a diabetic wound and within biofilms become pathogenic. New molecular microbiological technologies have the potential to detect bacterial biofilms and their
role in the chronicity of diabetic foot ulcers. Specific topics of interest are the discovery and study of novel pathogenic mechanisms of biofilms for diabetic wound
healing and the development of detection methods for biofilms in diabetic wounds for use in research and the clinic.
- Neurocognition
Emerging data has established a link between insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and neurocognitive dysfunction,
including dementia (see https://f1000research.com/articles/5-353/v2).
For example:
Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes impacts neurocognitive function via mechanisms independent from those typically associated with Alzheimer's Disease
pathology. In addition, there is a growing appreciation that type 1 diabetes may be associated with neurocognitive dysfunction. Understanding the mechanism(s)
that explain the neurocognitive complications of insulin resistance and diabetes (both type 1 and type 2) will be important if we are going to develop novel
therapeutic targets and approaches. Moreover, an acute clinically important feed-forward downward spiral can develop because even mild neurocognitive impairment
can prevent impaired persons with diabetes from managing his/her anti-diabetic medications. Thus, there are important individual, societal, and economic
Metabolic disease may impact the brain in ways that differ from its effects on other end organs of diabetic complications. It is possible that due to aging
and disease-related factors, isolating mechanisms may be more complex and clinical targets less modifiable as individuals advance in age and disease burden
increases. Therefore, there will be a special emphasis on research that addresses potential mechanisms that may be independent of those associated with aging
or complex disease.
Development, translation, and/or validation of imaging or other methods to measure the neuropathophysiologic changes associated with diabetes.
Elucidating mechanisms for how diabetes may impact the brain in ways that differ from its effects on other end organs.
Effect of neuropathology and brain dysfunction on peripheral metabolism and diabetes.
Clinicopathological correlation as well as cause-and-effect research designs aimed at identifying the sequence(s) of events that can lead to the
development of specific neural systems and cognitive functions impacted by diabetes and its other complications, especially disruptions with the
great impact on clinical care.
Approaches that take advantage of recent breakthroughs in the genetics of diabetes and insulin resistance are encouraged, as are computational approaches
applied to multi-omics brain data from persons with diabetes.
We have an interest in both human and non-human animal research. However, the animal model and the mechanisms tested need to be well-justified in their
translational potential to humans.
- Pre-clinical Testing
There is a compelling need to translate novel, scientifically meritorious therapeutic interventions for diabetic complications.
For example:
Support the preclinical work necessary to obtain "proof of principle" establishing that a new molecule or novel approach will be a viable candidate
for expanded clinical evaluation.
Pilot studies to support the development and use of novel cell-based, organoid, or in vivo assays for the discovery and preclinical testing of
potential therapies for diabetic complications.
Additional preclinical testing is often required to validate potential therapies under disease-specific conditions and in multiple systems before
they can progress along the drug development pipeline.
Bioengineer healthy and diseased end organs of diabetic complications, including incorporation of appropriate cell types, for functional testing and screening.
Budget requests should be commensurate with project needs over a one year project period. While average DiaComp P&F awards are $60,000 Total Costs for one year, well
justified requests for support of up to $100,000 Total Costs per year will be considered.
When appropriate, the use of human samples is strongly encouraged, including the linking of human samples to existing tissue repositories and databases (e.g. the
NIDDK repository [ www.niddkrepository.org/home/] or dkNET [ http://www.dknet.org/]). Research involving human subjects is limited to observational studies with non-invasive or minimally invasive
testing and must have IRB approval that includes the collection and use of human samples for research purposes.
Interventional clinical trials are beyond the scope of this program.
Streptozotocin (STZ) is used by DiaComp members to induce diabetes in a number of the animal models developed by the consortium. STZ is toxic to the insulin-producing
beta cells of the pancreas and used to induce diabetes similar to a type I diabetic patient. Some reports suggest cellular toxicity outside of the pancreas. STZ also
exhibits broad spectrum antibacterial properties and alters the gut microbiota. Applicants to DiaComp are reminded to justify their choice of approaches and models of
diabetes, including the STZ model, to ensure that appropriate controls are included in all studies and to consider use of complementary approaches. Reviewers are asked to
accept use of appropriately justified STZ-diabetes models with appropriate controls unless they can provide direct evidence that the model is inappropriate for the
proposed studies.
Applications are due May 17, 2012 for October start dates.
Applications of 5 pages requesting up to $100,000 for one year are due June 10, 2016.
Current areas of emphasis include, but are not limited to:
- 1. Non-mammalian Organisms
The pathogenesis of diabetic complications is metabolically and genetically complex and involves multiple organ
systems. Drosophila, zebrafish, and C. elegans are genetically tractable organisms that are well suited and
powerful for modeling pathophysiology driven or impacted by tissue- and organ-crosstalk. The transparency of
C. elegans and zebrafish larvae permits the facile monitoring of cell-based biosensors designed to measure inter-
and intra-cellular processes in free living organisms. With the advent of improved genome-editing technologies
and large-scale efforts to develop biosensors (e.g. ER stress, oxidative stress, autophagy, glucose levels, hormone
levels, albuminuria, etc.), the time is right for researchers to develop novel tools and adapt existing approaches
to advance our understanding of the mechanisms underlying diabetic complications.
For example:
Develop non-mammalian model organism lines that a) mimic aspects of the human pathology of diabetic
complications through protocols that induce diabetes and b) express cell-based physiologically-relevant
biosensors and reporters to simultaneously image/measure physiologic processes in real-time to explore
the sequence of inter- and intra-cellular events leading to cellular dysfunction, disturbed physiological
processes, and end-organ damage.
Develop non-mammalian models organism lines and protocols to study the effects of altered glucose homeostasis
on the central and peripheral nervous systems leading to further disruption of metabolic control and complications
such as neuropathic pain, gastroparesis, and disturbed cardiac function.
Develop non-mammalian model organism assays, reporters, or other tools to identify novel or understudied processes
that impact the molecular anatomy and physiology of kidney and urinary tract development, function or dysfunction in
response to long term dysglycemia.
Develop assays of mucosal immune, gut barrier, and other intestinal functions which could be used to elucidate functional
consequences of human mutations conferring diabetic complications risk.
Develop reporter lines to track development of fibrosis in liver, kidney, adipose tissue and other end organs of diabetic
Each proposal should indicate how these next generation tools, lines and protocols will be broadly shared.
- 2. Mitochondria: Beyond OxPhos
Ongoing investigation into the pathogenesis of multiple diseases has revealed non-traditional and
unexpected roles for mitochondria in the regulation of cell and tissue homeostasis.
For example:
Sustaining a healthy population of mitochondria requires the addition of new functional mitochondria and removal of
old dysfunctional mitochondria. In addition to de novo biogenesis, circulating stem cells have been shown to share
their functional mitochondria with injured cells (including hepatocytes, lung epithelia, and hematopoietic stem cells)
to mitigate tissue damage. Conversely, recent evidence suggests that retinal neurons can package their dysfunctional
mitochondria and expel them to neighboring astrocytes for degradation (transmitophagy).
Mitochondrial bioenergetics has been implicated in a broad spectrum of metabolic and degenerative diseases. A new
class of drugs targeting cardiolipin is believed to improve mitochondrial "plasticity" and is being tested in diabetes,
heart failure, ischemic injury, neurodegeneration, retinal and skin diseases, and chronic kidney disease.
Adult stem cells remain metabolically inactive until triggered to proliferate and replenish a tissue. Recent work suggests
that the mitochondrial unfolded protein response is coupled to cellular metabolism and regulates stem cell aging. In hematopoietic
stem cells, for example, it appears that aging is not due to passive accumulation of cellular damage over time, but rather an active
repression of protective pathways and suggests that targeting these protective pathways in mitochondria could reverse aging and
restore tissue homeostasis.
In parallel to these new scientific discoveries, emerging technologies (e.g. real-time imaging) and analytical tools (e.g. omics) are
poised to facilitate the investigation of novel and unexpected roles of mitochondria in diabetic complications. Successful applications
will discover previously unknown targets and pathways, test innovative hypotheses, and/or employ state-of-the-art technologies directed
at advancing our understanding of mitochondria in the development and treatment of diabetic complications.
- 3. Biofilms
Biofilms lack a precise definition but are generally accepted to be structured communities of microorganisms, adhered to a surface, and exhibiting
phenotypic heterogeneity. Compared to planktonic (free-floating) bacteria, biofilm bacteria are more virulent and resistant to treatment and host
immune factors. Biofilms are under-appreciated as a contributor to diabetic complications.
For example:
Diabetic foot ulcers are a common complication of diabetes with a lifetime prevalence of about 25%. The twenty week healing rate for neuropathic
diabetic foot ulcers is about 50% and bacterial biofilms are a major cause for the failure of chronic wounds to heal. Detection of biofilms is
critical for diagnosis, but standard culture methods and other indicators such as visual and olfactory examination of wounds are inadequate.
The treatment of diabetic foot ulcers requires a better understanding of the mechanisms by which certain bacteria within the complex flora of a
diabetic wound and within biofilms become pathogenic. New molecular microbiological technologies have the potential to detect bacterial biofilms
and their role in the chronicity of diabetic foot ulcers. Specific topics of interest are the discovery and study of novel pathogenic mechanisms
of biofilms for diabetic wound healing and the development of detection methods for biofilms in diabetic wounds for use in research and the clinic.
Biofilms can be monolayer or multilayer and contain heterogeneous or homogenous populations of microorganisms associated with biotic and abiotic
surfaces. Biofilm formation by pathogenic bacteria contribute significantly to antibiotic resistance and infection recurrence. Host-pathogen
interaction, extracellular matrix formation quorum sensing are involved in the formation of biofilms but little is known about how these processes
are affected by changes in tissue and cellular physiology due to diabetes. Such changes may contribute to diabetic complications such as recurrent
urinary tract infections and bladder dysfunction.
- 4. Hormones and Gender
Diabetes disrupts normal energy homeostasis and has the potential to alter steroid-hormone responsiveness. As males and females differ in their complement
of estrogen-responsive and androgen-responsive tissues, they may suffer different tissue complications as a result of diabetes.
For example:
A recent meta-analysis of T1DM observational studies suggests that, compared to nondiabetic individuals, women with Type 1 diabetes have twice the
excess risk of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events than men with Type 1. Similar evidence supports the same in women with Type 2. The biological
mechanisms underlying this difference are unclear.
Men with increased adiposity and Type 2 diabetes have lower testosterone levels and higher circulating estrogens due to somatic aromatase activity.
These levels of estrogen can predispose men to urologic complications. Few studies have examined these differences mechanistically, but estrogen
signaling through both genomic and non-genomic receptors appears to play a role.
To better understand the interplay between steroid hormones and the development of sex-specific diabetic complications, we are interested in pilot
projects that discover or interrogate new mechanisms. Successful applications will leverage appropriate models systems or human tissue to address novel
research questions, with a focus on diabetic complications.
- 5. Neurocognition
Emerging data has established a link between diabetes and neurocognitive dysfunction, including dementia. Understanding the mechanism(s) that explain
the neurocognitive complications of diabetes will be important if we are going to be successful in developing therapeutic targets and approaches to
mitigate the effects of metabolic disease on the brain and cognitive function. For example:
Metabolic disease may impact the brain in ways that differ from its effects on other end organs. It is possible that due to aging and disease-related
factors, isolating mechanisms may be more complex and clinical targets less modifiable as individuals advance in age and disease burden increases. Therefore,
there will be a special emphasis on research that addresses potential mechanisms that may be independent of those associated with aging or complex disease or
how diabetes-specific pathology may interact with aging and complex disease-related processes (e.g. other severe complications of diabetes, CVD, dementia).
The shared pathophysiology of diabetes and dementia, including vascular and Alzheimer's disease pathology (e.g. Aβ, tau).
Pathophysiology unique to diabetes (e.g. glycemia, insulin) and the impact on cognition and dementia.
The effect of neuropathology and brain dysfunction on peripheral metabolism and diabetes.
We have an interest in both human and non-human animal research. However, the animal model and the mechanisms tested need to be well-justified in their
translational potential to humans.
- 6. Pre-clinical Testing
There is a compelling need to translate novel, scientifically meritorious therapeutic interventions for diabetic complications.
For example:
Support the preclinical work necessary to obtain "proof of principle" establishing that a new molecule or novel approach will be a viable candidate
for expanded clinical evaluation.
Pilot studies to support the development and use of novel cell-based, organoid, or in vivo assays for the discovery and preclinical testing of
potential therapies for diabetic complications.
Additional preclinical testing is often required to validate potential therapies under disease-specific conditions and in multiple systems before
they can progress along the drug development pipeline.
When appropriate, the use of human samples is strongly encouraged, including the linking of human samples to existing tissue repositories and databases (e.g. the
NIDDK repository [ www.niddkrepository.org/home/] or dkNET [ http://www.dknet.org/]). Research involving human subjects is limited to observational studies with non-invasive or minimally invasive
testing and must have IRB approval that includes the collection and use of human samples for research purposes.
Interventional clinical trials are beyond the scope of this program.
International institutions and organizations are eligible for support.
Applications are due May 17, 2012 for October start dates.
Applications of 5 pages requesting up to $100,000 for one year are due May 8th, 2015.
Current areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Interrogation of human samples or resources with genetics, epigenetics, and/or systems biology. Use of human tissue to identify different molecular
and anatomic "subtypes" of end-organ disease, including potential differences between T1D and T2D. Linking and coordination of human samples to
existing tissue repositories and databases.
Application of stem cells, including induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, and regenerative therapies to the repair and reversal of diabetic
complications. The development of stem cell based models of disease, including 3D tissue organoids.
Use of relevant model systems to accelerate gene X environment (GEI) studies. Pilot studies to assess the role of the microbiome or virome in diabetic
complications. Investigation of mechanisms for the possible role of metals in the development of complications and chelation therapy in the prevention or
reversal of complications.
Pilot studies to non-invasively image fibrosis, inflammation, or function of organs affected by diabetes.
Pilot studies to support the development and use of novel cell-based, organoid, or in vivo assays for the discovery and preclinical testing of potential
therapies for diabetic complications.
Budget requests should be commensurate with project needs over a one year project period. While average DiaComp P&F awards are
$60,000 Total Costs for one year, well justified requests for support of up to $100,000 Total Costs per
year will be considered.
International institutions and organizations are eligible for support.
Applications are due May 8th, 2015 for September start dates.
Applications of 5 pages requesting up to $100,000 for one year are due Friday, May 16, 2014.
Current areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Use of human tissue to better define the histo-pathology and -morphometry of organs affected by systemic diabetes.
- Interrogation of human samples or resources with genetics, systems biology, histology, etc.
- Assessment of multiple complications in model systems (C.elegans, zebrafish, drosophila, etc).
- Testing the role of genes or loci that arise from ongoing human genetics/sequencing efforts.
- Use of relevant model systems to accelerate gene X environment (GEI) studies.
- Application of stem cells, including induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, and regenerative therapies to the repair and reversal of diabetic complications.
- Linking and coordination of existing databases relevant to complications research.
- Pilot studies demonstrating the feasibility of pre-consenting existing cohorts for tissue collection or linking Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) to patient samples.
- Pilot studies to assess the role of the microbiome or virome in diabetic complications.
- Innovative new studies to better define and understand diabetic wound healing in humans.
- New approaches to identify genetic or epigenetic alterations associated with susceptibility to or protection from diabetic complications.
- Pilot studies to determine if epigenetic changes in circulating cells (like pbmc's) reflect meaningful changes in tissues or organs affected by complications.
- Mechanistic and preclinical studies of chelation therapy (e.g. EDTA) in relevant models of complications.
- Studies defining the role of immune cells and inflammatory pathways in initiating, exacerbating, and/or potentially resolving diabetes-induced tissue damage in complications-prone end organs.
- Pilot projects that will directly contribute to strategies, tools, or resources for the regeneration of functional nephrons
- Pilot studies to non-invasively image fibrosis in organs affected by diabetes.
Budget requests should be commensurate with project needs over a one year project period. While average DiaComp P&F awards are
$60,000 Total Costs for one year, well justified requests for support of up to $100,000 Total Costs per
year will be considered.
International institutions and organizations are eligible for support.
Applications are due Friday, May 16, 2014 for September start dates.
Applications of 5 pages requesting up to $100,000 for one year are due Friday, May 17, 2013.
Current areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Interrogation of human samples or resources with genetics, systems biology, histology, etc.
- Use of human tissue to better define the histo-pathology and -morphometry of organs affected by systemic diabetes.
- Use human tissue to identify different molecular and anatomic "subtypes" of end-organ disease.
- Application of stem cells, including induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, and regenerative therapies to the repair and reversal of diabetic complications.
- Assessment of multiple complications in model systems (C.elegans, zebrafish, drosophila, etc).
- Pilot studies to assess the role of the microbiome or virome in diabetic complications.
- Testing the role of genes or loci that arise from ongoing human genetics/sequencing efforts.
- New approaches to identify genes associated with susceptibility to or protection from diabetic complications.
- Use of relevant model systems to accelerate gene X environment (GEI) studies.
- Pilot studies to determine if epigenetic changes in circulating cells (like pbmc's) reflect meaningful changes in tissues or organs affected by complications.
- Linking and coordination of existing databases relevant to complications research.
- Pilot studies demonstrating the feasibility of pre-consenting existing cohorts for tissue collection or linking Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) to patient samples.
- Innovative new studies to better define and understand urologic complications of diabetes in humans.
- Detailed assessment of urologic phenotypes in relevant models of diabetic complications, including bladder pathophysiology, prostate/lower urinary tract symptoms, and sexual dysfunction.
- Studies in relevant urologic systems of the effect of diabetes/hypeglycemia on intracellular metabolism and energetics.
- Analysis of human data and cohorts to elucidate epidemiological/population associations relevant to understanding diabetic complications and generating mechanistic hypotheses.
- Studies defining the role of immune cells and inflammatory pathways in initiating, exacerbating, and/or potentially resolving diabetes-induced tissue damage in complications-prone end organs.
- Pilot studies to non-invasively image fibrosis in organs affected by diabetes.
Budget requests should be commensurate with project needs over a one year project period. While average DiaComp P&F awards are
$60,000 Total Costs for one year, well justified requests for support of up to $100,000 Total Costs per
year will be considered.
International institutions and organizations are eligible for support.
Applications are due Friday, May 17, 2013 for September start dates.
Applications of 5 pages requesting up to $100,000 for one year are due Thursday, May 17, 2012.
Current areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Interrogation of human samples or resources with genetics, systems biology, histology, etc.
Use of human tissue to better define the histo-pathology and -morphometry of organs affected by systemic
diabetes. Use human tissue to identify different molecular and anatomic "subtypes" of end-organ disease.
Application of stem cells, including induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, and regenerative therapies to
the repair and reversal of diabetic complications.
Assessment of multiple complications in model systems (C.elegans, zebrafish, drosophila, etc).
Testing the role of genes or loci that arise from ongoing human genetics/sequencing efforts.
Use of relevant model systems to accelerate gene X environment (GEI) studies.
Linking and coordination of existing databases relevant to complications research.
Pilot studies demonstrating the feasibility of pre-consenting existing cohorts for tissue collection or
linking Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) to patient samples.
Budget requests should be commensurate with project needs over a one year project period. While average DiaComp P&F awards are
$60,000 Total Costs for one year, well justified requests for support of up to $100,000 Total Costs per
year will be considered.
International institutions and organizations are eligible for support.
Applications are due Thursday, May 17th, 2012 for September start dates.
Applications of 5 pages requesting up to $100,000 for one year are due Tuesday, May 17th, 2011.
Current areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Application of stem cells, including induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and regenerative therapies
to the repair and reversal of diabetic complications.
Expanded in vivo efficacy studies for preclinical validation of promising new therapeutics for diabetic
Assessment of multiple complications in model systems (C.elegans, zebrafish, drosophila, etc).
Testing the role of genes or loci that arise from ongoing human genetics/sequencing efforts.
Use of relevant model systems to accelerate gene X environment (GEI) studies.
Interrogation of existing clinical samples or resources with DNA analysis, omics, histology
and pathology as well as looking for circulating blood and urine biomarkers.
Linking and coordination of existing databases relevant to complications research.
Inclusion of other co-morbidities of diabetes and obesity including non alcoholic fatty
liver disease, gastrointestinal complications, peripheral vascular disease and wound healing.
Budget requests should be commensurate with project needs over a one year project period. While average DiaComp P&F awards are
$60,000 Total Costs for one year, well justified requests for support of up to $100,000 Total Costs per
year will be considered.
International institutions and organizations are eligible for support.
Applications are due Tuesday, May 17th, 2011 for September start dates.
Applications of 5 pages requesting up to $100,000 for one year are due Monday, May 3rd, 2010.
Current areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Generation and characterization of stem cell populations, including pluripotent or tissue-specific stem cells, or human and mouse iPS, to support preclinical studies of therapeutic efficacy in animal models of diabetic complications;
Examination of regenerative and repair functions of endogenous cell populations in animal models of diabetes and its complications;
Evaluation of the impact of diabetes and its complications on stem cell production, function and recruitment to cellular niches at sites of end-organ injury;
Development of mouse models with humanized cell populations or organ
systems suitable for use in complications research (eg, mice with human
endothelium, skin, cardiac, kidney, nervous or urologic tissue);
Production and validation of immunodeficient mouse models to serve as recipients
for transfer of human cell populations to assay or impact diabetic complications;
Validation of phenotyping assays to measure efficacy of cell-based therapies for diabetic complications.
Budget requests should be commensurate with project needs over a one year project period. While average DiaComp P&F awards are
$60,000 Total Costs for one year, well justified requests for support of up to $100,000 Total Costs per
year will be considered.
International institutions and organizations are eligible for support.
Applications are due Monday, May 3rd, 2010 for September start dates.
Applications of 5 pages requesting up to $100,000 for one year are due Friday, May 1st, 2009.
Current areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Animal models and clinically relevant phenotyping approaches to support preclinical study of diabetic Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
- Animal models and clinically relevant phenotyping approaches to support preclinical study of diabetic wound healing
- Production of novel ES cell lines from inbred mouse strains to facilitate genetic studies of diabetic complications (e.g. NOD, etc.).
- Models and phenotyping to support preclinical study of autonomic neuropathy, particularly cardiac autonomic neuropathy
- Development or study of clinically relevant animal models of diabetic peripheral neuropathy
- Animal models and clinically relevant phenotyping approaches to support preclinical study of diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy and uropathy
- Models and studies to assess role of inflammation, particularly inflammatory lipid signaling in complications development
- Development of clinically relevant endpoints in animal models of diabetic retinopathy, neuropathy and uropathy
- Projects designed to test the role of diet, aging or environmental/enteric bacteria in modulating complication phenotype
- Studies of the microbiome and its ability to modulate the severity of diabetic complications in relevant animals models
Budget requests should be commensurate with project needs over a one year project period. While average DiaComp P&F awards are
$60,000 Total Costs for one year, well justified requests for support of up to $100,000 Total Costs per
year will be considered.
International institutions and organizations are eligible for support.
Applications are due Friday, May 1st, 2009 for September start dates.
Applications of 5 pages requesting up to $100,000 for one year are due May 1st, 2008.
Current areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Develop new technologies or miniaturization of existing technologies for use in
- Develop applications of existing technologies for use in mice,
- Provide new tests to meet identifiable, outstanding needs necessary to phenotype
mouse models of metabolic disease, and
- Establish new types of mathematical models, informatics, databases or products
that augment the mission of the center.
Budget requests should be commensurate with project needs over a one year project period. While average DiaComp P&F awards are
$60,000 Total Costs for one year, well justified requests for support of up to $100,000 Total Costs per
year will be considered.
International institutions and organizations are eligible for support.
Applications are due Thursday May 1st, 2008 for September start dates.
Applications of 5 pages requesting up to $100,000 for one year are due Tuesday, May 1st, 2007.
Current areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Develop new technologies or miniaturization of existing technologies for use in
- Develop applications of existing technologies for use in mice,
- Provide new tests to meet identifiable, outstanding needs necessary to phenotype
mouse models of metabolic disease, and
- Establish new types of mathematical models, informatics, databases or products
that augment the mission of the center.
Budget requests should be commensurate with project needs over a one year project period. While average DiaComp P&F awards are
$60,000 Total Costs for one year, well justified requests for support of up to $100,000 Total Costs per
year will be considered.
International institutions and organizations are eligible for support.
Applications are due Tuesday, May 1st, 2007 for September start dates.
For instructions on how to submit a Pilot & Feasibility Funding Program Application to the DiaComp
web portal please click the following link:
Funding Program Application Submission Basic Training (PDF)