| | | | 26079815 | Published |
| Diabetes Irreversibly Depletes Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Progenitor Cell Subpopulations.Januszyk M, Sorkin M, Glotzbach JP, Vial IN, Maan Z, Rennert RC, Duscher D, Thangarajah H, Longaker MT, Butte AJ, Gurtner GC Diabetes, 2014 (63), 3047 - 3056 | | | 24740572 | Published |
| | | Submitted Externally | 22125629 | Published |
| HIF-1alpha dysfunction in diabetes.Thangarajah H, Vial IN, Grogan RH, Yao D, Shi Y, Januszyk M, Galiano RD, Chang EI, Galvez MG, Glotzbach JP, Wong VW, Brownlee M, Gurtner GC Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.), 2010 (9), 75 - 79 | | | 20016290 | Published |
| IFATS collection: Adipose stromal cells adopt a proangiogenic phenotype under the influence of hypoxia.Thangarajah H, Vial IN, Chang E, El-Ftesi S, Januszyk M, Chang EI, Paterno J, Neofytou E, Longaker MT, Gurtner GC Stem Cells, 2009 (27), 266 - 274 | | | 18974212 | Published |
| Tissue engineering using autologous microcirculatory beds as vascularized bioscaffolds.Chang EI, Bonillas RG, El-ftesi S, Chang EI, Ceradini DJ, Vial IN, Chan DA, Michaels J, Gurtner GC The FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 2009 (23), 906 - 915 | | | 19001054 | Published |
| | | Submitted Externally | 19116584 | Published |
| | | | 19182604 | Published |
| Mesenchymal stem cells can participate in ischemic neovascularization.Hamou C, Callaghan MJ, Thangarajah H, Chang E, Chang EI, Grogan RH, Paterno J, Vial IN, Jazayeri L, Gurtner GC Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 2009 (123), 45S - 55S | | | 19182663 | Published |
| The molecular basis for impaired hypoxia-induced VEGF expression in diabetic tissues.Thangarajah H, Yao D, Chang EI, Shi Y, Jazayeri L, Vial IN, Galiano RD, Du XL, Grogan R, Galvez MG, Januszyk M, Brownlee M, Gurtner GC Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2009 (106), 13505 - 13510 | | | 19666581 | Published |